I do have another security blog, that's extremely useful while performing security research. Click here.


GitHub Profile:  github/ethanabraham

Technical Skills:

I am an avid self-learner and consider myself as an autodidact, almost everything I know has been self-taught by the means of books and the Internet. 

These projects are work in progress...

I have done most work in the field of

  • Systems Programming
  • Android Security
  • Web Security
  • Game Development
  • Cryptography
  • Operating Systems

Take a look at some of my open-source work.




Removed You should never use inline styles!
Removed Use classes to style everything.
Removed This leaves only the plain text
Removed Never use non-breaking spaces to set margins.
Removed Empty tags should go!
Removed This makes no sense!
Removed Span tags with all styles
Removed I am an image: 
Removed This is a link.
Removed Takes everything out of the table.
Replaced This text is inside a table.
Removed This is only visible in the source editor
Set new lines and text indents Organize the tags in a nice tree view.

CVEs I've found/reviewed/patched

As most of these are on GitHub:

Notable Security Hall of Fames

Google, Mastercard, Okta, DELL, Ford, Zilliqa, EFF, Telefonica, etc

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